The Random Blog

Just some random stuff that I will send in random times and its proberly going to be special ocasions, partys or even jokes that I like or hate. It does have other stuff too, but, you can geuse that, anyway, im trying to improve as much as possible each day so be patient.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pictures I Made

Ignore my randomness...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Other Pic

Ok, I done another picture But its not as good as the others. *nods* Look... ish...

Pictures I Made

Wooo! sorry sorry. Anyway these are
some other pictures I done and I made on
paint and here they are. Like them? I do. Verry simple to make, just takes time.

Just coppy out the page, put on to paint and cut round the bit you want... but you'd have to figure out the rest becouse im not going to tell you, mine!, all mine! heheheheheeee! Fun lauthing, isnt it? you should give it a try. Woops, thats all for today now so bye. 0-) Ciclopse! squeeeeee!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Putting the sun out...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Hee he... its funny because its me... and true? Is that what I was meant to say? I hope so because I spent ten bucks for that... Just Kidding!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Screw this.

Woop! Im just trying to get my self fitter than I am now so I don't looks as flabby
and also make me healthy, e.g. not always eating stuffs I find.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Lalalalalalalalaa, lalalalalalaa lala laaa laaaaaaa! I like pizza, I like cake, give it to me and ile give you stake! I like so much I like as such, give me a golden clutch!

Pardon my randomness, heheheheheeee... ish, twitch, random... woop...

oooooooh, wow... supercalafragalisticexdealadocies, random random random randooooooom!!! ... random, yes random...



Yes im bored, so, today is another random day.